
Pitt Ford's Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology

ISBN: 978-1-405-16211-1

July 2011


328 pages


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Pitt Ford's Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology combines the theory and practice of endodontics, providing the reader with information that is both clinically relevant to everyday practice and also evidence based.

It includes a wealth of cases that span topics such as the maintenance of a vital pulp, root canal treatment, surgical endodontics and trauma. Each case is accompanied by full colour photographs and/or radiographs that illustrate the key stages in diagnosis, treatment planning, treatment and prognosis. In addition, the detailed commentary provides information on viable alternative treatment strategies, rationale (biologic considerations) for the treatment described, evaluation of the current evidence for/against the course of treatment and finally the prognosis.

The book allows the reader to apply their existing knowledge to a range of clinical scenarios and to gain new knowledge and apply it to further clinical situations. In addition the reader will be encouraged to transfer knowledge and diagnostic skills from one problem to another and guided to improve their self-directed learning and reflective skills.

About the Author
Shanon Patel is a specialist in endodontics; his time is divided between working in specialist referral practice in London, and teaching in the Endodontic Postgraduate Unit at King's College London Dental Institute where he is involved in the training of future specialists. He has published over 20 papers in peer reviewed scientific journals,   written 2 book chapters, co-authored the textbook Principles of Endodontics and is completing a PhD assessing the applications of Cone Beam CT in endodontics.

Henry F Duncan is a lecturer and consultant in endodontics at Dublin Dental University Hospital, Trinity College Dublin coordinating teaching, clinical delivery of treatment and research in endodontics. He has published extensively and is currently undergoing a PhD assessing the influence of epigenetics and bio-inductive materials on vital pulp treatment.

  • Includes over 60 clinical cases
  • Evidence-based
  • Richly illustrated in full color throughout
  • Features a unique problem-solving approach
  • Written by an international list of contributors