
Peptide Chemistry and Drug Design

ISBN: 978-1-118-99530-3

February 2015

336 pages


This book focuses on peptides as drugs, a growing area of pharmaceutical research and development. It helps readers solve problems of discovering, developing, producing, and delivering peptide-based drugs.

• Identifies promising new areas in peptide drug discovery
• Includes chapters on discovery from natural sources, metabolic modification, and drug delivery
• Overviews separation methods and techniques for analysis, bond formation, and purification
• Offers readers both a professional reference and a text or resource for graduate-level students

About the Author
Ben Dunn is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Florida. Dr. Dunn has served on many NIH review panels and is on the editorial board of Current Protocols in Protein Science. He is an author on 200 peer-reviewed publications and 4 books. Prof. Dunn has been a councillor, president-elect, president, and now past-president of the American Peptide Society.