
Pacing Options in the Adult Patient with Congenital Heart Disease

ISBN: 978-0-470-75034-6

May 2008


144 pages

Finally, a pacing book dedicated to the adult patient with CHD. Drawing on their vast experience, Drs. Mond and Karpawich join forces to show you what to do, how to do it, and what to avoid.

Building on more than 60 years of device therapy Pacing Options in the Adult Patient with Congenital Heart Disease leads you through the many congenital heart defects now seen in adults. This essential resource:

  • Describes the various anatomical characteristics of repaired and non-repaired congenital heart defects and compares these with the normal anatomy, allowing you to easily identify the differences
  • Guides you through the implant techniques, highlighting the specific problems that might be encountered and providing proven techniques to overcome technically difficult anatomical variations in patients with and without congenital heart disease

Throughout the book, schematic diagrams of the diverse anatomy of the congenital heart support the textual descriptions, and x-rays and fluoroscopic images illustrate the physiology and maximize understanding.

About the Author
Harry Mond Associate Professor of Medicine Monash University Melbourne. Private Consulting Rooms, The Royal Melbourne Hospital,PO 3050 Victoria Australia. And Physician to the Pacemaker Clinic and Cardiologist, The Royal Melbourne Hospital Australia.

  • Pacemaker implanter >35 years.
  • Coordinator of the World Survey on Cardiac Pacemakers and ICDs.
  • >200 manuscripts. Most first author or the major contributor
  • Author of ‘The cardiac pacemaker: Function and Malfunction’. 1983 Grune and Stratton. ISBN: 0-8089-1578-9
  • Author of ‘Rate Responsive Cardiac Pacing’ 1989 Published in Australia as a free publication distributed by Telectronics PTY LTD (a pacemaker company)
  • Associate Editor of PACE (Blackwell Futura)

Peter P. Karpawich, MD, FAAC, FAAP Professor, Pediatric Medicine, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI, USA And Director, Cardiac Electrophysiology and Pacemaker Services, Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Detroit. 3901 Beaubien Blvd, Detroit, MI 48201, USA

  • American Heart Association Committee on Congenital Heart Defects and Council Cardiovascular Disease of the Young, Pediatric Electrophysiology Society, Heart Rhythm Society
  • Pacemaker implanter >20 years
  • Publications > 180
  • Industry consultant for pacemaker lead design and application in congenital heart

Dr Karpawich is a renowned pediatric cardiologist from Detroit who has a primary interest in pacing. His major contribution to this book is to cover the congenital disorders.

The first pacing book dedicated to the adult patient with CHD

  • Decades of device therapy in one accessible resource
  • This book is the must-have resource covering: how the anatomy differs; what surgical procedures were performed; the potential pitfalls and problems during device implantation