
Organic Reactions, Volume 85

ISBN: 978-1-118-97651-7

December 2014

720 pages


Volume 85 represents the ninth single chapter volume to be produced in Organic Reactions' 72-year history. The original authors, Drs. Shaughnessy and DeVasher, have compiled an enormous (and growing) literature and distilled it into an extraordinarily useful treatise on all aspects of the copper-catalyzed amination process. Given the myriad types of nitrogen-based nucleophiles and various ligand sets and reaction conditions, the authors have done an outstanding job of identifying the best options for various permutations of donor and acceptor. This comprehensive treatment of so many different options constitutes a dream "field guide" for the perplexed chemist who wants to know how best to approach the formation of a C-N bond in a target structure and whether copper or palladium catalysis is recommended.

About the Author

Scott E. Denmark received his undergraduate degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1975 and his graduate degree (D.Sc. Tech.) from the ETH-Zürich in 1980. He joined the faculty at Illinois in the same year. His research interests are in structural, synthetic and mechanistic organic chemistry.