
Options: An Introduction, 2nd Edition

ISBN: 978-1-878-97536-2

March 1995

372 pages


Options: An Introduction is a completely revised edition which not only provides the same comprehensive introduction as the first edition, but also includes expanded treatment of option strategies, complete treatment of option sensitivities (DELTA, etc.) thorough treatment of European and American options in two separate chapters, and expanded treatment of options on futures, foreign currency options, and options on stock indexes. As with the first edition, the text comes with OPTION! software.

About the Author

ROBERT W. KOLB was John S. and James L. Knight Professor of Finance at the University of Miami until 1995. He is author or coauthor of finance texts on a range of topics including futures, options, financial derivatives, investments, corporate finance, and financial institutions. He was founder and president of Kolb Publishing Company, sold to Blackwell Publishers in 1995. His research has been published in Financial Management, the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Risk and Insurance, the Journal of Financial Economics, and the Journal of Futures Markets.

  • A Comprehensive introduction to the options market
  • Appendix OPTION! software is self-contained and does not need to be used with spreadsheet, works on almost any IBM PC or compatible
  • An Instructor's Manual is available to adopters.