
Modern Financial Macroeconomics: Panics, Crashes, and Crises

ISBN: 978-1-405-16181-7

March 2008


288 pages

Modern Financial Macroeconomics takes a non-technical approach in examining the role that financial markets and institutions play in shaping outcomes in the modern macro economy.

  • Reviews historical and contemporary macroeconomic theory
  • Examines governmental influence on moderating (or exacerbating) economic fluctuations
  • Discusses both empirical and theoretical links between financial systems and economic performance, as well as case studies detailing the role of finance in specific business cycle episodes
About the Author
Todd A. Knoop is Associate Professor of Economics and Chair of the Economics and Business department at Cornell College. He is author of Recessions and Depressions: Understanding Business Cycles (2004). He earned his PhD. in Economics from Purdue University.

  • Takes a comprehensive, non-technical look at the role of financial markets and institutions on modern macroeconomics
  • Reviews historical and contemporary macroeconomic theory
  • Examines governmental influence on moderating (or exacerbating) economic fluctuations
  • Discusses both empirical and theoretical links between financial systems and economic performance, as well as case studies detailing the role of finance in specific business cycle episodes