
Marine Invertebrate Fisheries: Their Assessment and Management

ISBN: 978-0-471-83237-9

February 1989

768 pages

Systems Analysis and Simulation in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences William E. Grant This hands-on approach provides guidance to the step-by-step applications of systems analysis and simulation to questions about ecological systems. At the same time, it explains general principles without requiring that readers have a strong background in mathematics, statistics, or computer science. Chapter 1 traces the development of systems ecology introducing basic concepts, while Chapters 2 through 5 present the four phases of systems analysis: conceptual model formulation, quantitative specification of the model, model validation, and model use. 1986 (0 471-89236-X) 338 pp. Bioeconomic Modelling and Fisheries Management Colin W. Clark Discusses the management of commercial marine fisheries and the relationship between the economic forces affecting the fishing industry and the biological factors that determine the production and supply of fish in the sea. Topics focus on methods of preventing overfishing and overcapitalization, economically effective and practical forms of regulation, management of developing fisheries, natural fluctuations of fish stocks, and complexities of marine ecosystems. 1985 (0 471-87394-2) 291 pp. Methods in Marine Zooplankton Ecology Makoto Omori and Tsutomu Ikeda Encompassing basic principles, procedures, and research problems, this book serves as a complete guide to current methods used in the study of marine zooplankton. The techniques are equally applicable to small organisms and to the larval stages of larger, commercially important organisms. Chapters start with a brief, but well-summarized introduction to zooplankton, followed by field sampling strategies and laboratory methods, and then conclude with estimates of productivity and analysis of community structure. Each method is described in detail, including a discussion of the problems inherent in using it. 1984 (0 471-80107-0) 322 pp.
About the Author
About the editor John F. Caddy has been actively involved in fisheries research and its application to managing fisheries since he completed his doctoral research on the ecology of an estuarine shellfish at the University of London twenty years ago. Much of his professional career with the Government of Canada was concerned with the population dynamics of marine invertebrates, and he is the author of numerous scientific papers on this subject. He is currently employed as Senior Fishery Resource Officer in the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations in Rome, and permission from the Organization to undertake this work is gratefully acknowledged. In his present position, he has been able to draw upon his experience in a wide range of national and international fisheries in selected chapters that illustrate the main research approaches currently used in invertebrate fisheries today.