
Linguistics and Literature

ISBN: 978-0-631-19243-5

October 1997


320 pages

Linguistics and Literature is the first book to offer an overview of how linguistic theory can be applied to the oral and written literatures of the world
About the Author
Nigel Fabb is Senior Lecturer in the Programme in Literary Linguistics at the University of Strathclyde. He is the author of several books on linguistics and literature, including Sentence Structure, How to Write Essays, Dissertations and Theses in Literary Studies, Ways of Reading, Literary Studies in Action, and The Linguistics of Writing.
* Offers an overview of how linguistic theory can be applied to the oral and written literatures of the world.
* Illustrated with examples from around 100 different literary traditions, quoting texts in the original languages, fully translated and explained.
* Enables readers to put the theoretical issues discussed in the chapters to practical analysis of texts.
* Provides texts for discussion from major works of English literature to previously unpublished oral texts from rarely-discussed traditions.