
Language Education Throughout the School Years: A Functional Perspective

ISBN: 978-1-118-29200-6

April 2012


260 pages


This volume explores the evolution in language use experienced by children and young people throughout school, and the ways they become more conscious about its multi-functionality and the choices open to them in making meaning.

  • Describes a trajectory of language development in schooling from age 6 to age 18
  • Draws on systemic functional linguistics to trace changes in the language resources successful children and adolescents use to make meanings in new discourse patterns as they engage in the curricular tasks of science, history, and language arts
  • Explores the way in which content, interpersonal relationships, and textual structure simultaneously evolve over four stages of children’s and adolescents’ development
  • Offers new theoretical insights and practical awareness of the multi-functionality of language
About the Author
Frances Christie is Emeritus Professor of Language and Literacy Education at the University of Melbourne and Honorary Professor of Education and Linguistics at the University of Sydney. She began her work in education as a secondary teacher of English and history in Australia and the UK and has taught language and literacy education at several universities in Australia. Her major research interests are in English language and literacy. She uses the systemic functional grammar to explore writing development, the relationship of talk and writing, teaching about language, and development of pedagogic grammar.