
Job Search Letters For Dummies, 4th Edition

ISBN: 978-1-118-43641-7

August 2013

360 pages


New-style job messages that get you in the door and on your way up

From sparkling cover letters to six-word bios, a fresh bevy of job search letters has grown powerfully useful for successful career communications. Job Search Letters For Dummies delivers the quality of New Era know-how you need right now to land good jobs and thrive. Whether you’re a long-time professional or a recent college graduate — or somewhere in between — Job Search Letters For Dummies has you covered.

Job Search Letters For Dummies
covers the gamut of leading-edge topics, including effective strategies for internal career communications on topics such as raises, promotions, and position changes; rules for communicating professionally with texts and networking on social media platforms such as twitter and LinkedIn; fresh and updated communication phrases to voice accomplishments and make job-fit statements; post-interview etiquette and letters such as thank-yous, "hire me" reinforcement notes, interest revival queries; and much more.

  • Get hired with 40 types of job letters
  • Create short messages for a smartphone world
  • Network on social media sites
  • Model best letters more than 200 pro samples

Whether you’re a long-time professional or a recent college graduate — or somewhere in between — Job Search Letters For Dummies has you covered.

A note to job seekers from nationally syndicated careers columnist and author or Job Search Letters For Dummies, Joyce Lain Kennedy:

Welcome aboard, job seekers! Thanks for checking out this first guide to communications-supported job search and career growth in relentlessly changing technological times.

 The right messaging — what you say, why you say it, and when you say it — is as important today to your employment goals as it has been at any time since Leonardo da Vinci wrote the first professional resume in 1482.

 Consider recent job–finding history:

  • In 1986 fax machines and postal mail were the most popular ways to send resumes and cover letters.
  • In the 1990s the Internet boom kicked in with new tools to connect jobs and people: e-mail, websites, cell phones, mailing lists, and online bulletin boards.
  • In the 21st century the double-time march of recruiting technology skyrocketed, building a techno-swamp populated with endless ideas of how to connect work and people through smartphones, wonder tablets, apps, and social media for virtual networking.

 You’re competing in a new world of work out there. If your job search is treading water — or even drowning— there’s a better way. Make a splash! Engage hiring authorities through a communications-centered campaign with smart content.

About the Author

Joyce Lain Kennedy is a nationally syndicated careers columnist. Her column, CAREERS NOW, appears twice weekly in newspapers and on websites across the U.S. Kennedy is the author of seven career books, including the award-winning Job Interviews For Dummies and Resumes For Dummies.