
Infection and Hearing Impairment

ISBN: 978-1-861-56507-5

April 2006

384 pages

The aim of the book is to provide a text which brings together the expertise from two separate disciplines applied to a shared problem; that of hearing impairment resulting from an infectious cause. The book has been written to be accessible to both disciplines. It begins with chapters describing the anatomy and function of the ear and its development to allow those unfamiliar with the ear to understand how the pathogen can affect hearing. The following chapters include background information on the relevant viruses, bacteria and other pathogens so that those less familiar with these organisms will be able to understand the context within which they may affect the ear. The book also considers current ways in which these infections may be diagnosed, treated, and the potential for prevention.
About the Author
Professor Valerie Newton, Human Communication and Deafness, School of Education and Virology, LMAG, School of Medicine, The University of Manchester, UK

Dr Pamela Vallely, Human Communication and Deafness, School of Education and Virology, LMAG, School of Medicine, The University of Manchester, UK