
Horse Nutrition and Feeding, 2nd Edition

ISBN: 978-0-632-05016-1

July 1999


236 pages

Horses have been taken from their natural environment and enclosed in paddocks and stables, dramatically changing both life-style and feeding habits. Feeding time has been greatly reduced and cereal and protein concentrates introduced into the diet. As a result, horses are prone to many problems associated with feeding.

This book clearly explains the science of nutrition and combines this with the art of feeding to encourage an understanding of how to feed horses to keep them healthy, and allow them to reach their full performance potential. This new edition - the first since 1992 - has been fully updated and extended to include new feeds and feeding practices and explains new advances in scientific knowledge. It provides clear guidelines for feeding competition horses, older horses and problem animals, and explains the role of feeds and feeding in maintaining the immune system and soundness.

Horse Nutrition and Feeding is the recognised text for students studying horses at colleges, for BHS examinations, and for horse-owners.

About the Author
Sarah Pilliner combines an academic background with extensive practical knowledge as a horse owner, competition rider and equine consultant. A former lecturer in nutrition and exercise physiology at Myerscough College and Warwickshire College, she is the author of Getting Horses Fit and co-author of Breeding the Competition Horse, Horse Care, The Equine Athlete and Equine Science, Health and Performance.
* Meets the need for a practical and readable text at a reasonable price for a range of students, including HND and degree level
* Horse-owners also need an easily understood yet scientifically-based text by an expert on the subject
* Pilliner's books are praised for having a user-friendly style without compromising content
* Fully revised to provide up-to-date information on new feeds and feeding practices