
HPLC for Pharmaceutical Scientists

ISBN: 978-0-470-08794-7

January 2007

1136 pages

HPLC for Pharmaceutical Scientists is an excellent book for both novice and experienced pharmaceutical chemists who regularly use HPLC as an analytical tool to solve challenging problems in the pharmaceutical industry. It provides a unified approach to HPLC with an equal and balanced treatment of the theory and practice of HPLC in the pharmaceutical industry.

In-depth discussion of retention processes, modern HPLC separation theory, properties of stationary phases and columns are well blended with the practical aspects of fast and effective method development and method validation. Practical and pragmatic approaches and actual examples of effective development of selective and rugged HPLC methods from a physico-chemical point of view are provided.

This book elucidates the role of HPLC throughout the entire drug development process from drug candidate inception to marketed drug product and gives detailed specifics of HPLC application in each stage of drug development.

The latest advancements and trends in hyphenated and specialized HPLC techniques (LC-MS, LC-NMR, Preparative HPLC, High temperature HPLC, high pressure liquid chromatography) are also discussed.

About the Author
Dr. YURI KAZAKEVICH is an Associate Professor of Analytical Chemistry at Seton Hall University with thirty years of experience in liquid chromatography. He has over fifteen years of academic research experience in Russia and fifteen years of research, teaching and consulting for major American pharmaceutical companies, which has resulted in numerous papers and four book chapters. The main focus of Dr. Kazakevich's research is in HPLC retention mechanisms and the description of the analyte migration through the column with an emphasis on the influence of adsorbent geometry and surface chemistry. Dr. Kazakevich is the author of Basic Liquid Chromatography, one of the oldest and most complete online instructional resources on HPLC.

Dr. ROSARIO LOBRUTTO has over thirteen years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry working both with drug substances and drug products. He is a Group Head in the Pharmaceutical and Analytical Development Department at Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation managing multiple early to late phase projects for both small drug molecules and proteins/peptides and is responsible for teaching in-house HPLC method development training. Dr. LoBrutto is the author of twenty research articles, fifty presentations, and five book chapters in different areas of analytical/physical chemistry and has served as an adjunct professor for seven years. Dr. LoBrutto's main research directions include HPLC retention mechanisms, the influence of mobile phase modifiers on analyte retention and chromatographic figures of merit, and method development strategies for small molecules and proteins/peptides.