
Growing Up In Britain: Ensuring a Healthy Future for our Children

ISBN: 978-0-727-91433-0

June 1999

BMJ Books

224 pages

This report, brought together in book form, should have a nationwide impact. It will focus on the early years of life (0-5) and examine the socio-economic factors that influence current child health and development, and discuss the efficacy of certain interventions to reduce inequalities. Underlying themes are: nutrition, injuries and abuse, disabilities, and emotional and behavioral problems. The aim is to raise the profile of child health and place it high on the national policy making agenda.
About the Author

Veronica English is the author of Growing Up In Britain: Ensuring a Healthy Future for our Children, published by Wiley.

- An original report from the BMA
- Covers information that has not been brought together in this form before
- Should make a valuable contribution to policy making in child health