
Getting Published in the Life Sciences

ISBN: 978-1-118-01716-6

October 2011


368 pages

The goal of this book is to make it easier for scientists, especially those new to scientific writing, to write about their results and to get their manuscripts accepted in peer-reviewed journals. The book covers each step throughout the submission process, from organizing and outlining the manuscript, presenting statistical data and results, to what happens during the in-house manuscript review process and what to do if an article is initially rejected. In addition to providing practical exercises on these topics, the book focuses on helping writers distil their research into concise take-home messages for readers, in order to convey information as clearly as possible to the target audience.
About the Author

Dr. Richard Gladon, PhD (Ohio State University) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Horticulture at Iowa State University. A former Fulbright scholar, Dr. Gladon has over 30 years of teaching and research experience, and holds several patents.

Dr. J. Michael Kelley,?PhD (University of Tennessee) is a Professor and Dean of the College of Natural Resources at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. With over 100 published articles to his credit, Dr. Kelly has also served as a reviewer for various granting agencies, including the National Science Foundation.

Dr. William Graves, PhD (Purdue University) is a Professor in the Department of Horticulture as well as the Interdepartmental Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Iowa State University. Dr. Graves has published dozens of articles in the biological sciences.