
Feature Distribution in Swedish Noun Phrases

ISBN: 978-0-631-20871-6

December 1998


304 pages

This book examines in some detail two issues associated with Swedish noun phrases. Firstly, it considers the issue of the headedness of these phrases in the light of a general discussion of criteria for head status. Secondly, the status of the definite ending is discussed from a typological perspective. Based on the findings of this examination of the data, a theoretical account of Swedish noun phrases is provided in terms of Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar.
About the Author

Kersti Borjars is the author of Feature Distribution in Swedish Noun Phrases, published by Wiley.

* Contains a very thorough review of the arguments used in the debate on the headedness of noun phrases.

* Presents an Noun Phrase analysis, whereas recent analyses of noun phrases has been as Determiner Phrases.

* Considers the noun as the head of the phrase, and the definite ending is not assigned syntactic status.