
Dietary Supplement Labeling Compliance Review, 3rd Edition

ISBN: 978-0-470-38471-8

June 2008


246 pages

Consultant and long-time FDA food and dietary supplement labeling expert James Summers offers a comprehensive guide to understanding and complying with the dietary supplement labeling requirements of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in Dietary Supplement Labeling Compliance Review, Third Edition.

Available in book or searchable CD-ROM (view CD-ROM version) formats, this updated review is composed of three essential parts:

  • Sections I through V consist of the introduction and how-to information.
  • Sections VI through IX consist of the compliance step-by-step review procedure (in the form of questions and responses,) and other labeling requirements.
  • Sections X through XV consist of guidance and information for decision making.
Clearly illustrated with dozens of charts, sample label panels, and supplement facts boxes, this manual is the straightforward, no-nonsense tool both inexperienced and experienced dietary supplement label reviewers need to assure labeling compliance
About the Author
James L. Summers is a senior consultant at AAC Consulting Group, Inc. (Rockville, MD), a firm providing consulting services in food, dietary supplement, cosmetics and other areas that fall under the jurisdiction of FDA. He has been offering expert labeling and compliance advice to AAC clients since he ended his 32-year tenure at the FDA. He has held positions as aquatic sampling specialist, supervisory microbiologist, public health sanitarian, general biologist, FDA inspector, regional shellfish specialist, and consumer safety officer (in the Division of Regulatory Guidance). In his last position at FDA, he served as supervisory consumer safety officer, branch chief in the Office of Food Labeling. There he was at the center of solving the most controversial, complex, and precedent-setting problems involving regulatory compliance issues dealing with food labeling. He participated in the development of policies and regulatory strategies regarding the enforcement of NLEA and other food labeling regulations.

* a comprehensive guide to understanding and complying with the dietary supplement labeling requirements of the Food and Drug Administration

* clearly illustrated with dozens of charts, sample label panels and Supplement Facts boxes