
DNS For Dummies

ISBN: 978-0-764-51683-2

February 2003

368 pages

Install, configure, and troubleshoot DNS with this straightforward guide!

This is a unique, entry-level guide to Domain Name System (DNS), which translates Internet host names into IP addresses and is used with all Internet servers.
DNS For Dummies will:
  • Show you how to install, configure, and troubleshoot DNS on both Windows and UNIX servers
  • Help you seek technology certifications
  • Become comfortable with DNS theory, terminology, and architecture - a requirement in several popular exams!
DNS For Dummies includes real-world examples based on the author's daily experience with both large and small networks.
About the Author
Blair Rampling is a senior systems administrator and system architect.

David Dalan is a technical trainer and training manager for a leading international technical support services call-center firm.