
Cities Back from the Edge: New Life for Downtown

ISBN: 978-0-471-36124-4

February 2000

376 pages

"A love song for the city . . . [this] volume, attractivelypackaged and richly illustrated, is really a cookbook for downtownrevitalization." --Wall Street Journal

In this pioneering book on successful urban recovery, two urbanexperts draw on their firsthand observations of downtown changeacross the country to identify a flexible, effective approach tourban rejuvenation. From transportation planning and sprawlcontainment to the threat of superstore retailers, they address ahost of key issues facing our cities today.

Roberta Brandes Gratz (New York, NY), an award-winning journalistand urban critic, is author of the urban design classic The LivingCity. A former staff reporter for the New York Post, Gratz haswritten for the New York Times Magazine and other publications.Norman Mintz (New York, NY) has played a leading role in the fieldof downtown revitalization for more than twenty-five years. He isDesign Director at the 34th Street Partnership in New York City anda consultant on downtown revitalization across the country.
About the Author
ROBERTA BRANDES GRATZ, the award-winning journalist and urbancritic, is author of the urban design classic The Living City:Thinking Small in a Big Way. A former staff reporter for the NewYork Post, Gratz has also written for The Wall Street Journal, NewYork Newsday, The Nation, The New York Times Magazine, and otherpublications.

NORMAN MINTZ has played a leading role in the field of downtownrevitalization for more than 25 years. He is Design Director at theGrand Central Partnership in New York City and a consultant ondowntown revitalization across the country.