
Chest Pain

ISBN: 978-0-879-93482-8

August 2001


514 pages

J. Willis Hurst, MD, a pioneer in the development of cardiology, and his colleague, Douglas C. Morris, M.D., both of Emory University, have edited this book and chose its unusual title for very specific reasons. Patients sometimes have an odd view as to anatomic landmarks that identify the location of the chest, and may assign terms other than pain to their discomfort. Hence the quotation marks around "chest pain." The arrow (-->) after "chest pain" indicates that the physician initially may not know the cause of the symptom, so a differential diagnosis must be established.

This book was written to reintroduce in the modern clinical setting the knowledge and skills needed to analyze symptoms, physical findings, and ECG and x-ray abnormalities in order to accurately diagnose more than 50 different conditions that may bring about a complaint of "chest pain." Experts in the fields of cardiology, pulmonology, dermatology, orthopedics, thoracic surgery, and psychiatry contribute a unique perspective on this common but compelling medical problem. Each chapter concentrates on one causative syndrome or malady, from its initial presentation to its etiology, to differential diagnosis and treatment, while an abundance of well-designed figures serve to illustrate the location of the "chest pain."

Any cardiologist, primary care, or emergency care physician who may encounter a patient complaining of "chest pain" will benefit from this book''s clear, concise and thorough approach to the problem.

About the Author

John Willis Hurst was an American physician who served as the cardiologist of former U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson. He was the editor of Hurst's the Heart, one of the most widely used medical textbooks in the world. He also served as a former president of the American Heart Association. Douglas C. Morris MD is the editor of Chest Pain, published by Wiley.