
Breakthrough Customer Service: Best Practices of Leaders in Customer Support

ISBN: 978-0-471-64232-9

March 1998

456 pages

Praise for Mike Russill, Vice-President, Retail, Sunoco Inc. Catherine Neville, President, Quality Management Institute Dan Plashkes, President, S&P Data Philip C. Brown, Senior Vice-President, Telebanking and Alternate Channels, Bank of Montreal Brenda Anderson, Executive Director, International Customer Service Association J.A. Sinex, III, Manager, Global Integrated Services Team, External Affairs, DuPont Breakthrough Customer Service Best Practices of Leaders in Customer Support "An impressive array of experts and industry winners provide a virtual road map through the major changes necessary to achieve real breakthrough customer service. A must-read for those determined to make great customer service a competitive edge!" "Breakthrough Customer Service scores a direct hit on how to differentiate a business through strategic customer service." "If companies implemented just a few of the great ideas found in this book, they would enjoy world-class leadership positions not only in their own industry, but across all industries." "A stimulating look across industries and channels, the way customers actually experience service, and a very useful way to identify breakthrough opportunities." "A great management tool, it provides real-world examples and effective solutions that can be applied to your business." "This book is must reading for companies that want to be more competitive. It provides businesses with thought-provoking solutions to consider in their quest for superior results."
About the Author


STANLEY A. BROWN is the Partner in Charge of Coopers & Lybrand’s International Centre of Excellence in Customer Satisfaction. The Centre works with organizations to enhance revenue and improve profitability through a focus on processes that touch the customer. He is a frequent speaker on the topic of customer service, and writes regularly for newsletters and magazines, including Sales and Marketing Management and ICSA News. He is the author of three previous books: What Customers Value Most: How to Achieve Business Transformation by Focusing on Processes That Touch Your Customers (Wiley, 1995), Total Quality Service, and Creating the Service Culture.