
Biomedical Signal Analysis, 2nd Edition

ISBN: 978-0-470-91139-6

August 2015

Wiley-IEEE Press

720 pages

The book will help assist a reader in the development of techniques for analysis of biomedical signals and computer aided diagnoses with a pedagogical examination of basic and advanced topics accompanied by over 350 figures and illustrations.

  • Wide range of filtering techniques presented to address various applications
  • 800 mathematical expressions and equations
  • Practical questions, problems and laboratory exercises
  • Includes fractals and chaos theory with biomedical applications
About the Author
Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and an Adjunct Professor of Surgery and Radiology at the University of Calgary in Calgary, Canada. Dr. Rangayyan has published over 150 papers in journals and 250 papers in conference proceedings, and has authored two textbooks, Biomedical Signal Analysis (Wiley-IEEE Press 2002/2015) and Biomedical Image Analysis (CRC Press 2005). He has been recognized with the 2013 IEEE Canada Outstanding Engineer Medal, and elected as a Fellow of the IEEE, Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society, the American Institute for Medical and Biological Medical Engineering, and other societies.