
Arbitration Awards: A Practical Approach

ISBN: 978-1-405-14480-3

May 2008


264 pages

‘Drawing on his long and practical experience [the author gives] guidance which only the foolhardy would reject without good reason for doing so. With this manual beside him, many an arbitrator will, I feel sure, sleep the sounder.’ - The Rt Hon The Lord Bingham of Cornhill.

The preparation of an arbitrator's award requires a rigorous approach to the consideration of submissions and evidence, and to the decisions stemming from that consideration, and the arbitrator must be competent to draft a valid and enforceable award.

These tasks can be complex for any arbitrator, particularly so for the less experienced. This book has been written to provide clear and practical guidance, whilst emphasising that there is no standard method of preparing or writing an award. It includes illustrations relating to a wide range of types of award.

It will be of interest to all arbitrators and those involved in the process, whether they are concerned with commodities, insurance, maritime matters, rent disputes, construction or commerce.

About the Author
Ray Turner is a quantity surveyor, an arbitrator with over 40 years' experience of arbitrations, and a past chairman of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. He was formerly Visiting Professor of Arbitration at Leeds Metropolitan University.

He was conducted several hundred arbitrations and was a member of various institutional panels of arbitrators. A Fellow of the Charted Institute of Arbitrators, having been a member since 1953, he was a member of its Council for 16 years, Chairman of the Institute, Chairman of its Arbitration Committee (twice) and its Profesional Conduct Committee, a member of other committees including its Examinations Board and Registration Board; tutor or course director on many of its courses at all levels, examiner, then moderator.

Having conducted or lectured on arbitration courses for the Universities of York and Salford and for UMIST, in 1993 he was appointed the first Visiting Professor of Arbitration at Leeds Metropolitan University. He was the first external examiner on the College of Estate Management Diploma in Arbitration.

He has lectured on arbitration topics on over 150 occasions for other bodies, and he has given papers or spoken on arbitration by invitation in Bermuda, Chicago, Gibraltar and Barcelona.

A founder member of both the Society of Construction Arbitrators and the Society of Construction Law, he was for nine years a Vice-President of the Academy of Experts, a member of its fellowship vetting Committee, its Disciplinary Committee and its first working party on terms of appointment.

A charted quanitity surveyor by profession, he was a member of the RICS QS Practice Board and chairman of its Fees and Conditions Panel, a member of its inter-divisional working parties on mutual insurance and on EC proposals on construction liability and he was RICS representative on the DOE/Construction Industry Liaison Group. Prior to retirment he lectured widely on matters relating to construction contracts and related insurances.

From 1987 until 2001 he was a Member of the VAT and Duties Appeals Tribunals.
* Provides a single, "all in one" guide to the preparation of arbitration awards
* Of interest to all types of arbitrator, whether commercial, maritime or construction
* Author has many years' experience as an arbitrator and trainer in the field
* 'Drawing on his long and practical experience [the author gives] guidance which only the foolhardy would reject without good reason for doing so. With this manual beside him, many an arbitrator will, I feel sure, sleep the sounder.’ -The Rt Hon The Lord Bingham of Cornhill