
Aesthetics: The Big Questions

ISBN: 978-0-631-20594-4

October 1998


384 pages

Philosophers have considered questions raised by the nature of art, of beauty, and critical appreciation since ancient times, and the discipline of aesthetics has a long tradition that stretches from Plato to the present.
About the Author
Carolyn Korsmeyer is Professor of Philosophy at the State University of New York at Buffalo. She is the editor (with Peggy Zeglin Brand) of Feminism and Tradition in Aesthetics (1995) and (with Hilde Hein) Aesthetics in Feminist Perspective (1993) and the author (with Dubois, Kelly, Kennedy, and Robinson) of Feminist Scholarship: Kindling in the Groves of Academe (1985).
* Presents not only theories but also examples of the kinds of art discussed.

* Includes unusual and yet highly readable material in addition to everything necessary for a standard aesthetics course.