Take your team to a higher performance level with a healthy dose of competition. These stimulating activities provide lessons in determination, teamwork, and planning all critical elements in achieving high performance.

These simple games will help you:

  • Encourage members to cooperate and use all members' abilities
  • Motivate individuals to maximize their contribution
  • Prepare your team to meet future challenges...and more!
  • Everything you need to conduct each activity is included.
Use them to enhance cooperation, resourcefulness, decision making, efficiency, and initiative in your team today!
About the Author
LORRAINE L. UKENS is the owner of Team-ing with Success, a consulting and training enterprise specializing in team building and leadership development. Her wide range of business experience, spanning more than twenty years, is applied in designing, facilitating, and evaluating programs in a variety of human resource development areas. Ukens, an adjunct faculty member in the HRD graduate program at Towson University in Maryland, is the author of several training books and games. She received her M.S. degree from Towson University and is an active member of the American Society for Training and Development at both the national and local levels.