
Understanding Childhood Eczema

ISBN: 978-0-470-86420-3

August 2003

120 pages

As many parents know, eczema amongst children can be a difficult,painful and frustrating condition to cope with for the parent andthe child.

It frequently causes irritable behaviour in the child and sleepdisruption. This can result in parenting difficulties, and may evenplace the child at increased risk of behavioural and emotionalproblems.

In addition to covering the medical aspects of the condition,Understanding Childhood Eczema focuses on the psychologicalconsequences and how they can be managed, as well as psychologicalfactors in treatment.

Revealing the advantages and drawbacks of conventional therapies,this easy-to-follow guide explains all aspects of childhood eczemain an accessible manner to help you and your child cope with thisdistressing condition.

Penny Titman is an experienced clinical child psychologist who hasextensive experience in working with children and families withchronic health problems. She has completed a PhD on thepsychological impact of skin conditions on children and theirfamilies which included a study of childhood eczema on the family.
About the Author

Penny Titman is an experienced clinical child psychologist who hasextensive experience in working with children and families withchronic health problems. She has completed a PhD on the psychological impact of skin conditions on children and theirfamilies which included a study of childhood eczema on the family.