
The Trader's Guide to Key Economic Indicators, 3rd Edition

ISBN: 978-1-118-22250-8

June 2012

320 pages


You don’t need to manage millions or billions of dollars to use economic indicators to plan an investment strategy and build your portfolio. Furthermore, you don’t need a degree in economics or mathematics to interpret this information. Today, you can get much of the same information that Wall Street professionals use in their analyses from various online or print sources as well as numerous business programs.

Nobody understands this better than author Richard Yamarone, a Bloomberg Senior Economist with over twenty-five years of experience working on Wall Street. And now, in the Third Edition of The Trader’s Guide to Key Economic Indicators, he shares his extensive insights on this topic with you.

Filled with new examples and commentary on the recent financial crisis, this reliable guide focuses on a dozen essential economic indicators—and several others from the fixed income and commodity markets—that are among the most important of any analyst’s or economist’s tools. Each chapter corresponds to an indicator, beginning with the most comprehensive—GDP and indices of leading, lagging, and coincident indicators—and continuing with those tied to particular aspects or segments of the overall economy, such as consumer prices, manufacturing, housing, and retail sales.

To help you gain a firm understanding of the indicators addressed, every chapter follows the same basic setup: an introduction sketching out the major attributes of the indicator and its effect on the markets; a discussion of its origins and development; a description of how the relevant data are obtained, analyzed, and presented; and an explanation of how to incorporate these data into your investment endeavors. The last section of every chapter also contains at least one “Trick from the Trenches” that will allow you to develop a clearer picture of business activity.

Engaging and informative, the Third Edition of The Trader’s Guide to Key Economic Indicators will help you gain a practical command of economic indicators and their meaning for investment. Written for both professional and individual investors, it will put you in a better position to form your own opinions about the possible direction of the economy and markets as well as how to make the most informed investment decisions based on those opinions.

About the Author

RICHARD YAMARONE is a Bloomberg Senior Economist with more than two decades of experience on monetary and fiscal policy, economic indicators, fixed income, commodities, and general macroeconomic conditions. He authors and oversees the Bloomberg BRIEF: Economics, a daily newsletter that features analysis, data, and news on the forces shaping the global economy. Yamarone is also the creator of the Bloomberg Orange Book, a compilation of macroeconomic anecdotes gleaned from comments that CEOs and CFOs made on quarterly earnings conference calls. He is a member of the National Association for Business Economists, the American Economic Association, the New York State Economics Association, and the Money Marketeers of New York University. Yamarone has won numerous accolades for his work, including being featured as one of the top ten economists in the U.S. by USA Today in 2007 and was named “Nostradamus of the Financial Industry” by Bank Advisor in 2008 for his prediction of the financial crises.