PDMA is a global nonprofit organization seeking to accelerate the contribution that innovation makes to the economic and professional growth of people, businesses, and societies around the world. PDMA delivers improved organizational performance and individual career growth by offering the latest academically rigorous innovation research, resources for product development and management knowledge, and opportunities for collaboration among an international network of innovators.
Kenneth B. Kahn, PhD, is Professor of Marketing and Director of the da Vinci Center for Innovation at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. His teaching and research interests address product development, product management, and demand forecasting of current and new products. He has consulted with and conducted training sessions for numerous companies, and has been a PDMA member since 1989.
Sally Evans Kay has been active in PDMA since 1988 both nationally and at the chapter level and currently chairs The Outstanding Corporate Innovator Award Committee.
Rebecca J. Slotegraaf, PhD, is Associate Professor of Marketing and Whirlpool Faculty Fellow at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. She serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Product Innovation Management, and others.
Steve Uban, PE, NPDP, has been a practitioner in research and new product development for almost 40 years. Mr. Uban is a Professional Engineer and Certified New Product Development Professional and is on the board of the PDMA Foundation.