
The New Social Democracy

ISBN: 978-0-631-21765-7

December 1999


196 pages

Since the election of Tony Blair to the leadership of the Labour party in 1997 and the party's subsequent electoral triumph in 1997 after eighteen years in opposition there has been intense speculation about what the Labour party now stands for. Does the party still have a clear set of values and beliefs which guide it in government? Can it still be described as a social democratic party? Recently Tony Blair has called his political approach a Third Way between new Right and old Labour. The essays in this book by leading authorities on social democracy and the politics of new Labour ask whether new Labour is a complete break with the Labour past and with European social democracy, or whether it should be seen as a powerful restatement of social democratic ideas in a new context.
About the Author
Tony Wright is MP for Cannock Chase and joint editor of The Political Quarterly.

Andrew Gamble is Director of the Political Economy Research Centre joint editor of The Political Quarterly. Previous books include Hayek: The Iron Cage of Liberty and The Free Economy and the Strong State.

* Major new assessment of the ideas, values and political significance of new Labour.
* Essays by leading authorities on social democracy and the politics of new Labour.