
The Gypsies, 2nd Edition

ISBN: 978-0-631-19605-1

February 1995


384 pages

Since their unexplained appearance in Europe over nine centuries ago, the Gypsies have refused to fall in with conventional settled life. They remain a people whose culture and customs are beset with misunderstanding, and who cling to their distinct identity in the teeth of persistent rejection and pressure to conform. This book describes their history.
About the Author
Sir Angus Fraser died on May 27, 2001, aged 73. He was Chairman of the UK Board of Customs and Excise and from 1988 to 1992 was Adviser to the Prime Minister on Efficiency in Government. He was knighted in 1985. He published extensively on the Gypsies.

  • Written by the world authority on the subject and based on 35 years research.

  • Illustrated with maps, and numerous paintings and photographs.

  • Shows how the gypsies survived six centuries of continuous persecution in Europe, including Nazi plans for genocide by which perhaps 500,000 died.

  • Over 3000 sold in hardback.