
The Freedom Years: Tactical Tips for the Trailblazer Generation

ISBN: 978-1-841-12754-5

July 2006


350 pages

Are you approaching the age of retirement, soon to be put out to pasture?

The you are about to enter the Golden Age of Ageing.

Rethink everything you know about that dirty word 'retirement', argues Michael Shea. Today, most septuagenarians have better health than fifty year olds did mere half century ago. You have more control over your time than you have ever had before.

Be creative and make your retirement profitable and enjoyable. Michael Shea is doing just that and is in inspiring and witty book he imparts his wisdom on the best years of our lives:The Freedom Years that lie ahead.

About the Author
Michael Shea holds a PhD in economics. A former diplomat who was seconded to the UK Cabinet Office, he served in Africa, Germany, Romania and New York before becoming Press Secretary to Her Majesty the Queen. He has chaired many public sector organisations and commercial companies, and still sits on numerous boards. All of which has formed an admirable preparation for his active non-retirement, which he also spends as a writer of novels and non-fiction, as a consultant, and as a popular public speaker.