
The Case for Change: Rethinking the Preparation of Educators

ISBN: 978-1-555-42504-3

February 1993


318 pages

So many reformers talk about fundamental changes in schoolingwithout understanding what such deep changes entail for children,teachers, and administrators. Seymour Sarason does. In hisprovocative, mind-bAnding and passionate style, Sarason againargues against short-term repairs of schools. He seeks long-termprevention and he sees the lever, as John Goodlad did, in thepreparation of teachers. Add this to your small library of wisdomabout school reform.

?Larry Cuban, professor of education, Stanford University.
About the Author
SEYMOUR B. SARASON is professor emeritus of psychology in the Department of Psychology and at the Institute for Social and Policy Studies at Yale University. He is the author of numerous books, including The Predictable Failure of Educational Reform (Jossey-Bass, 1990), and The Making of an American Psychologist: An Autobiography (Jossey-Bass, 1988).