
The Body

ISBN: 978-0-745-65124-8

February 2012


184 pages

The medical and social sciences offer us many ways of understanding the human body and what it can do. From biology and psychology to sociology and philosophy, a range of disciplines supply us with a rich yet challenging picture. On the one hand, our bodies are fashioned from genes, cells and organs; on the other, they are the foundation for our identities, our interactions and lived experiences from childhood to old age.

This book provides an accessible and informative account of the importance of the body for the caring professions. It offers a clear description of the latest theoretical perspectives, weaving the natural and social body into one. The book focuses on specific aspects such as health and illness, ageing, gender and sexuality, consumption, care, and medical technology.

The text is specifically tailored towards the needs of health and social care students, with case studies directly relating to concrete problems encountered by professionals in the field. The Body is an invaluable textbook for students of the caring professions and will bring to life the issues they face, both in their studies and in their future work with patients, clients and consumers.

About the Author
Nick J. Fox is Professor of Sociology and the Body at the University of Sheffield.
  • This is the first volume in Polity’s new ‘Key Themes in Health and Social Care’ series, providing applied introductions to core issues and topics for Allied Health Care professionals.
  • The human body is the locus of many complex debates in the humanities and social sciences; this accessible book offers a clear description of the various theoretical perspectives.
  • Specifically tailored to students in the caring professions, the book offers an applied perspective on crucial aspects of embodiment including ageing, health and illness.
  • Packed with detailed case studies which directly relate conceptual arguments to real problems faced by professionals in the field.