
Sustainable Development: Economics and Policy

ISBN: 978-0-631-20994-2

March 2000


416 pages

Sustainable Development: Economics and Policy applies an interdisciplinary perspective to the latest developments in economic analysis and to policies affecting the global environment and economic development.
About the Author
Dr. P. K. Rao is Director of the Center for Development Research of Hyderabad, India, and Princeton, NJ. He has taught at the Administrative Staff College of India, Harvard University (where he was a Senior Fulbright Scholar) and Rutgers University. Dr. Rao has published more than 25 papers in various journals. During the last 20 years, he has worked as project leader/principal investigator on a variety of major research projects supported by the UNDP, the ILO, UNICEF, the World Resources Institute, Rutgers University, the Government of Japan International Cooperation Agency and the Government of India.

  • Up-to-date, comprehensive and easy-to-digest presentation of complex analytical and methodological issues.

  • Integrated view of debt-poverty-trade environment.

  • Role of endogenous factors in the valuation of future.

  • Discussion of foundations of modern economic logic for analytical models.

  • Role of institutional governance for sustainable development.

  • Extensive inclusion of references for each chapter.

  • Several tables of statistical data.

  • Glossary explains terminology.