
Sustainable Design of Research Laboratories: Planning, Design, and Operation


ISBN: 978-0-470-91597-4

November 2010

320 pages

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Architecture, Sustainable Design

A comprehensive book on the sustainable design of research laboratories

Today's research laboratories are complex and difficult building types to design, and making them sustainable adds more obstacles. Written by members of the well-known firm KlingStubbins, under the guidance of its Directors of Laboratory Planning, Engineering, and Sustainability, Sustainable Design of Research Laboratories represents a multidisciplinary approach to addressing these challenges.

With the needs of architects, engineers, construction professionals, and facility owners in mind, this book provides a road map for sustainable planning, design, construction, and operations. The book is valuable both to experienced laboratory designers seeking guidance on sustainable strategies, as well as professionals versed in sustainable design who want insight into laboratory applications. With content rich in guidance on performance strategies, even the most technically oriented reader will find valuable lessons inside. This book:

  • Focuses on the links between best sustainable practices and the specific needs of research laboratories

  • Provides a number of case studies of the best contemporary sustainably designed labs, with a focus on architecture and engineering

  • Explores the challenges in applying rating systems, including LEED, to laboratory buildings

  • Examines unique considerations of sustainable approaches in leased and renovated laboratories

  • Includes contributions by experts on approaches to integrated design, site design, programming, and commissioning

This important book shows how theoretical ideas can be applied to real-life laboratory projects to create healthier and more efficient research environments.

About the Author

KlingStubbins is an internationally recognized architecture and design firm with more than sixty years of experience. Founded on values of design excellence, technological sophistication, and client service, KlingStubbins has designed high-performance research environments since its inception. With offices in Philadelphia, PA; Cambridge, MA; Raleigh, NC; San Francisco, CA; Washington, D.C., and Beijing, China the firm has designed sustainable projects throughout the United States, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.

Ellen Sisle, AIA, LEED AP, Director of Laboratory Planning, is leading the firm's laboratory planning and programming practice.

Paul Leonard, PE, LEED AP, Director of Engineering, has focused on high-performance design of many building types.

Jonathan A. Weiss, AIA, LEED AP, Director of Sustainability, is responsible for the firm's focus on green building.