
Standardization and Tacit Knowledge: Interaction and Practice in the Survey Interview

An interdisciplinary look at interaction in the standardized survey interview

This volume presents a theoretical and empirical inquiry into the interaction between interviewers and respondents in standardized research interviews. The editors include a range of articles that showcase the perspectives of conversation analysts, ethnomethodologists, and survey methodologists, to gain a more complete picture of interaction in the standardized survey interview than was previously available.

This book is the first to focus solely on the interactional substrate or conversational architecture of interviewing. It offers a range of insights into standardized interviewing as interaction and forms a bridge between survey methodology and the study of interaction and tacit practices. The articles are arranged into four subject groups: theoretical orientations, survey recruitment, interaction during the substantive interview, and interaction and survey data quality. Articles include:

  • Interactions in telephone surveys
  • Recruitment of respondents
  • Respondent laughter
  • Interaction coding
  • Impact of technology on interaction
  • Occasions for interviewer intervention

Standardization and Tacit Knowledge serves as a one-of-a-kind reference for survey methodologists, linguists, and researchers and also as a postgraduate coursebook in survey interviewing.

About the Author
DOUGLAS W. MAYNARD is Professor of Sociology at the University ofWisconsin, Madison.

HANNEKE HOUTKOOP-STEENSTRA is Assistant Professor ofLinguistics/Dutch at Utrecht University, The Netherlands.

NORA CATE SCHAEFFER is Professor of Sociology at the University ofWisconsin, Madison.

JOHANNES VAN DER ZOUWEN is Professor of Social Research Methods atVrije University in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.