
Single Molecule Dynamics in Life Science

ISBN: 978-3-527-62614-4

December 2008

346 pages

Advances in instrumentation over the last few years have established single molecule measurements as a major method in many biological laboratories. Exploiting the full power of such measurements is dependent on a good understanding of single molecule behavior and enzymology.
In this first comprehensive resource on the topic, one of the world's most distinguished single molecule scientists has put together a team of pioneers in the field to show how to both set up and interpret a single molecule experiment. Following an introduction to single molecule measurements and enzymology, the authors consider molecular motors and mechanical properties before moving on to the applications themselves. Detailed discussions of studies on protein enzymes, ribozymes and nucleic acids are also included.
Indispensable reading for a growing number of scientists.
About the Author

Toshio Yanagida did his undergraduate and graduate studies in semi-conductor physics at Osaka University (Osaka, Japan). He then switched to biophysics in 1970 to pursue a career in basic science. He is now professor and Dean of the Osaka University Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, and project leader at both the Single Molecule Processes Project and the Kansai Advanced Research Center Communications in Japan. His teams are leading the development of single-molecule detection techniques to investigate the molecular motor of contracting muscle.
Professor Yanagida is a founding editor of the Journals "Single Molecules" and "Small". For his scientific achievements, he has received numerous awards, among them the Japan Academy Award and the Japanese Imperial Award.

Yoshiharu Ishii studied physics and biophysics at the Universities of Tokyo and Nagoya (Japan). From 1983 onwards he worked at the Boston Biomedical Research Institute (USA), returning to Japan in 1992 to pursue his research career in applied biophysics. He is currently a group leader in the soft nanomachine project at Osaka University.