
Rorty and His Critics

ISBN: 978-0-631-20982-9

September 2000


432 pages

Essays, written by thirteen of the most distinguished living philosophers, together with Rorty's substantial replies to each, and other new material by him, offer by far the most thorough and thoughtful discussion of the work of the thinker who has been called "the most interesting philosopher alive."
About the Author
Robert B. Brandom is Distinguished Service Professor of Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh. His 1977 Princeton PhD thesis on pragmatism and the philosophy of language was supervised by Richard Rorty. He is author of Making it Explicit (1994), an extension of his thesis.
* Distinguished list of contributors.
* Extended exchanges with Donald Davidson and Jürgen Habermas.
* Substantial new replies and responses by Rorty to each essay.
* The best critical introduction to Rorty's thought as a whole.
* The new material by Rorty presented in this book amounts to a new philosophical work by him.