
Reconstructing Clothes For Dummies

ISBN: 978-0-470-22567-7

July 2007

360 pages

Reconstructing Clothes for Dummies offers inspiring projects and savvy tips on how to salvage those tired old clothes in your closet and turn them into a one-of-a-kind wardrobe. It shows craftsters, DIY enthusiasts, budget-conscious fashionistas and people from all walks of life how to unleash their inner fashion designer and transform outdated duds into hip new clothes. Featured projects include making good use of old scraps; reviving shrunken sweaters; finding redemption in that bridesmaid dress; decorative repair and embellishment of existing pieces; and creating unexpected home décor with what’s hiding in your drawers.
About the Author
Miranda Caroligne Burns (San Francisco, CA) has donned a variety of hats in her young years: physical therapist, event producer, community activist, installation artist, author, performance artist, philosopher, and fashion designer. Mentored by her mother, Miranda has been sewing and creating her own clothing since she could hold a needle. Over time she developed a zest for re-use and heartfelt desire for truly unique design. This ethos is masterfully woven together to recall the forms of yesteryear with an otherworldly edge — a philosophy she calls "neoarchaic."
Miranda’s life has been a bi-coastal artistic evolution. She became active in the alternative arts scene in Boston, where she introduced "living construction," a live sewing performance piece staged in gallery window fronts. Relocating to San Francisco in 2005, she quickly emerged as a bright new star in a constellation of provocative artist-designers. Her fashion shows are known for their performance-art quality, embodying political, artistic, and personal statements. These shows include Catwalk on the Wild Side (U.N. World Environment Day Gala “Walk the Talk”), Love Fest VIP Event (San Francisco City Hall), and Maker Faire (Swaporamarama and Make magazine).
She has also had various individual performance art appearances at Supperclub San Francisco, San Jose Museum of Art, and Burningman. Meander through San Francisco’s Mission-Deco Ghetto neighborhood and you’ll find Miranda reconstructing in the window-front of her boutique, miranda caroligne — a living construction boutique (www.mirandacaroligne.com), 485 14 Street @ Guerrero. You’re sure to be delighted by the local art and design, and step forward with the inspiration to do it yourself!