
Quality Assurance in Environmental Monitoring: Instrumental Methods

ISBN: 978-3-527-61512-4

July 2008

350 pages

Quality Assurance in Environmental Monitoring Instrumental Methods Edited by G. Subramanian Environmental technology plays an increasingly important role in today’s world. This has led to many new developments in legislation and monitoring of environmental pollutants. A comprehensive treatment of these current trends is presented in this book. The reader is helped by a sound understanding of modern instrumental methods such as GC/MS, thermal desorption and purgetrap methods, that are available to meet these legal requirements. Many practical applications assist familiarization with these techniques. This work pays particular attention to methods of monitoring different types of chemicals ranging from pesticides to industrial pollutants. The description of the different design aspects of instruments and their effects on analysis aids the development of precise instrumental methods for the various specific problems in quality assurance.
About the Author

Dr. Ganapathy Subramanian is a biotechnology consultant with over 30 years of experience in industry and academia, encompassing the application and development of processing, purification methodologies, and chromatographic systems for large scale use in environmental science, food science, perfumery, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. He has also taught extensively in the area of food and medical technology. A chemistry graduate from Madras, India, Dr. Subramanian was awarded his doctorate from the University of Glasgow for work on natural products. His main research interests lie in the utilization of natural material separation processes and bioconversions. Dr. Subramanian has written and edited a number of books and articles in the field of biotechnology. He also organizes conferences promoting the integration and sharing of knowledge between academia and industry.