
Professional Work: A Sociological Approach

ISBN: 978-0-631-20725-2

August 2001


272 pages

Professional Work: A Sociological Approach is an introduction examining recent trends in the world of professional work. Authors Kevin Leicht and Mary Fennell review the history and theory of managerial and professional work, and then describe specific contemporary changes in professions and work-settings.

  • Provides overview of recent organizational changes in the workplace.
  • Analyzes current history and theory of managerial and professional work.
  • Includes definitions of key terms, original tables and figures.
About the Author
Kevin T. Leicht is Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Iowa. He is the current editor of Research in Social Stratification and Mobility and The Sociological Quarterly, and coordinator of the gender, work, and family network for the Society for the Advancement of Socioeconomics.

Mary L. Fennell is Professor of Sociology at Brown University. She is the co-author of The Diffusion of Medical Innovations: An Applied Network Analysis (1988).


  • Provides overview of recent organizational changes in the workplace.
  • Analyzes current history and theory of managerial and professional work.
  • Includes definitions of key terms, original tables and figures.