
Principles of Plant Breeding, 2nd Edition

ISBN: 978-0-471-02309-8

April 1999

264 pages

As ancient as agriculture itself, plant breeding is one of civilization\'s oldest activities. Today, world food production is more dependent than ever on the successful cultivation of only a handful of major crops, while continuing advances in agriculture rely on successfully breeding new varieties that are well-adapted to their human-influenced ecological circumstances. Plant breeding involves elements of both natural and cultural selection-a process which operates on individual plants and on plant populations. This book offers the most recent detailed knowledge of plant reproduction and their environmental interaction, which can help guide new breeding programs and help insure continuing progress in providing more food for growing populations produced with better care of the environment.
About the Author

Robert Wayne Allard was an American Plant Breeder and Plant Population Geneticist who is widely regarded as one of the leading plant population geneticists of the 20th century.