
Practicing Organization Development: A Guide for Leading Change, 3rd Edition



Building on its reputation as the most practical, comprehensive, useful, and clearly written handbook on organization development (OD), this new edition of Practicing Organization Development has been thoroughly revised updated to reflect the most recent developments in the field. With contributions from leading OD practitioners and scholars, the book includes a review of the core elements of OD that offers new information on a variety of topics such as leadership transformation and development, questions of inquiry, multi-level strategic change, global compact, positive states of organizing, and OD's role in creating a structure of belonging.

Praise for the Third Edition of Practicing Organization Development

"Nowadays a good roadmap is needed to navigate all the roads and this book does a great job of telling the reader of the variety of destinations that can be reached and how to reach them . . . .this book is as complete a compendium on what OD is and can be as is currently available."
—DR. EDGAR H. SCHEIN, Sloan Fellows Professor of Management Emeritus, MIT Sloan School of Management

About the Author


WILLIAM J. ROTHWELL is professor of human resource development of Learning and Performance Systems on the University Park campus of The Pennsylvania State University. He is author and editor of more than 60 books, including the bestselling Mastering the Instructional Design Process from Pfeiffer.

JACQUELINE M. STAVROS is an associate professor for College of Management, Lawrence Technological University, where she teaches OD and change in graduate and doctorate programs. She is author and editor of more than 40 articles and books on Appreciative Inquiry, Sustainability, and Thin Book of SOAR: Building Strengths-Based Strategy.

ROLAND L. SULLIVAN is founder of Sullivan Transformation Agents for more than 40 years he has guided change processes around the world in virtually every major industry. He is known for Whole System Transformation.

ARIELLE SULLIVAN with a passion for change, studies Global Business at the University of Iowa.