
Postmodern Geography: Theory and Praxis

ISBN: 978-0-631-22560-7

June 2001


336 pages

This edited collection brings together some of the most authoritative voices in contemporary debates in geography: Michael Dear, Giuseppe Dematteis, Franco Farinelli, Cindy Katz, Don Mitchell, Gunnar Olsson, Neil Smith and Edward Soja to address the question of 'praxis' within broader discussions
of the postmodern in geography.
About the Author
Claudio Minca is Associate Professor in Political and Economic Geography at the University of Venice and teaches an annual course on "Postmodern Cities and Spaces" at Venice International University. He has written widely on geographical representations and the postmodern turn in geography and is the author of Spazi Effimeri (1996) and the editor of Introduzione alla Geografia Postmoderna (2001).

  • Brings together some of the most authoritative voices in the postmodern debate.

  • Offers both continental European as well as Anglo-American perspectives on postmodern geography.

  • Presents an innovative approach to the study of postmodern geography focusing upon questions of praxis.