

ISBN: 978-0-745-64816-3

January 2011


244 pages

Philippines is Hélène Cixous's reverie or 'true dreaming' which intertwines Freud's uneasy views on telepathy, autobiographical memories conflating Algeria and Paris, childhood and adult life, shared with her brother 'Pete', and literary evocations from Proust and George du Maurier's forgotten novel Peter Ibbetson.

Amid telepathic conversations, real or imagined, and life events uncannily answering one another from a distance, Cixous's dense evocative journey ceaselessly 'returns to its starting point' and, like the twin almonds in one shell evoked by the title, reveals intimate, secret bonds between scenes and beings, real and fictional. Its interpretive sharpness delivered with stylistic elegance and candour will make this study typical of Cixous's art, which plies between literature and criticism, appealing not only to scholars and critics interested in psychoanalysis, autobiography and the act of reading, but also to a broader readership captivated by the hallucinatory coincidences between life, dream and fiction, when 'Reality is the dream. The dream is the true reality'.

About the Author
Hélène Cixous is one of the world's leading writers. She is founder and former director of the Centre de Recherches en Études Féminines at Paris VIII University
• The author is generally regarded as one of the leading French feminist writers, if not the leading French feminist writer.
• All of her books tend to be written as philosophical novels, combining elements of autobiography and fiction with reflection of a more philosophical and psychoanalytic kind.
• This is a mixture of autobiography and philosophy and a very enjoyable read.
• The text includes allusions to Freud and Derrida and should appeal to those interested in philosophy and literary criticism.