Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Volume 3, Patterns for Resource Management
ISBN: 978-1-118-72523-8
April 2013
320 pages
As the need for resource management is often discovered late in the software development lifecycle, and changing the system design at this late stage is difficult, it is important that such tasks are performed early in the lifecycle. Since systems belonging to different domains have different system constraints and requirements, a technique that works well in a particular system or configuration might not be so effective in another.
POSA 3 uses patterns to present techniques for implementing effective resource management in a system. The patterns are covered in detail, making use of several examples, and, as in previous POSA volumes, directions are given on how to implement the presented patterns. Additionally, the volume presents a thorough introduction into resource management, and two case studies where the patterns are applied to the domains of ad hoc networking and mobile radio networks. The patterns are grouped by different areas of resource management and hence address the complete lifecycle of resources: resource acquisition, coordination and release.