
Modern Techniques for Polymer Characterisation

ISBN: 978-0-471-96097-3

July 1999

416 pages

Modern Techniques for Polymer Characterisation Edited by R.A. Pethrick University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK and J.V. Dawkins Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK Concerned primarily with the determination of the size of polymer molecules in solution, their sequence structure and also molecular weight characteristics, this book includes contributions relating to molecular weight and molecular weight characteristics using conventional chromatographic techniques, spectroscopic techniques describing determination of sequence structure, and scattering techniques concerned with the determination of macromolecular size. The book will be invaluable for postgraduate and research polymer chemists and all those who are concerned with the study and use of macromolecular materials. The techniques described reflect some of the most recent advances which have been made in the development of methods for molar mass characterisation and also the size of molecules in solution and solid phases. The problem of molar mass characterisation is common to synthetic and biological polymers, hence this book will also be of interest to biologists, polymer engineers and technologists. Techniques covered include: Temperature Rising Elution Fractionation Field Flow Fractionation Static and Dynamic Light Scattering Neutron Scattering Vapour Pressure Osmometry/Viscometry Ultrafugation and Sedimentation Gel Electrophoresis of Biological Macromolecules Mass Spectrometry of Polymers
About the Author

R. A. Pethrick is the editor of Modern Techniques for Polymer Characterisation, published by Wiley. J. V. Dawkins is the editor of Modern Techniques for Polymer Characterisation, published by Wiley.