
Mental Health Law for Nurses

ISBN: 978-0-632-03989-0

April 1996


212 pages

In the UK, treatment of the mentally ill is governed by two major pieces of legislation: the Mental Health Act (of 1983) and the Code of Practice (S.118), published in 1990 and reviewed periodically by the Secretary of State. Because nurses in any speciality may encounter patients suffering from mental disorder, it is extremely useful that they have an understanding of the legal principles involved. Mental Health Law for Nurses provides such an introduction and practical guide to the law and directives embodied in treatment of persons exhibiting mental disorder. Additionally, for those nurses specialising in direct care of the mentally ill or handicapped, this book provides an easy reference and relevance to their daily practice.
About the Author

Bridgit C. Dimond is a Barrister-at-Law and Emeritus Professor at the University of Glamorgan. She is author of Mental Health Law for Nurses and Legal Aspects of Occupational Therapy.

* provides coverage for community care homes and institutional settings
* includes questions and exercises to encourage debate and discussion
* comprehensive bibliography to enable practitioners to follow up areas of interest
* Includes latest legislation from Mental Health (Patients in the Community Act 1995)
* Dimond is well known for her textbooks helping nurses apply the law to their work