
Manufacturing of Pharmaceutical Proteins: From Technology to Economy

ISBN: 978-3-527-62768-4

June 2009


404 pages

This comprehensive introduction covers all aspects of biopharmaceutical manufacturing, including legal and regulatory issues as well as costing procedures. Written by a leading expert at one of the largest pharmaceutical companies worldwide, this practical text is aimed at a wide audience, ranging from libraries, via biotech companies to students and technicians planning to enter biopharmaceutical manufacturing. In addition, it is well suited for academic teaching as well as internal training within larger biotech or pharmaceutical companies.
About the Author
Dr. Stefan Behme has been working with biotech operations of Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Germany since 2002, taking care for external manufacturing cooperations for biotechnological production. Before that he spent three years with the Healthcare-Engineering department of Bayer AG, managing biotech investment projects in Germany and the U.S.
Stefan received his Master's degree in chemical engineering in 1994 and worked after that as assistant teacher in the field of macromolecular thermodynamics at the Technical University of Berlin where he also earned his PhD degree.
Since 2006 Stefan is a lecturer at the University of Dortmund (Germany) teaching GMP aspects of biopharmaceutical manufacturing.