
Lower Vertebrates from the Palaeozoic: First International Palaeontological Congress, Sydney, Australia, July 2002

ISBN: 978-1-405-16986-8

November 2006


128 pages


Major insights on distribution and more

Fossils and Strata, Number 50: Lower Vertebrates From the Paleozoic presents a series of papers presented at the International Paleontological Congress's 2002 symposium on Paleozoic Vertebrates. Topics include systematics, biostratigraphy, biogeography, taphonomy, and more, covering a range of early vertebrate groups including jawless agnathans, early-jawed fishes, and Paleozoic tetrapods. These proceedings include major contributions to the field, and shed light on new aspects of Devonian fauna distribution. With contributors from seven countries, these proceedings represent the global nature of paleontology and offer new answers to questions in the field.

About the Author

Gavin C. Young is the author of Lower Vertebrates from the Palaeozoic: First International Palaeontological Congress, Sydney, Australia, July 2002, published by Wiley.